
Star wars battle for the galaxy
Star wars battle for the galaxy

star wars battle for the galaxy

There are times where things have to be decided based on many reasons and no matter who is in charge things will go a certain way. SWGOH.GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. There is a difference between not listening and making hard choices. Boba Fett, Scion of Jango Fennec Shand Lord Vader Maul Omega. He is hopeful about things to come, but right now that's all we can have, hope. While there has not been a singular QoL, they have added things that do fall into that category. Side Note: Can they just make you lead dev already? You and crumb are the only ones actually listening to us. It’s been 2 years since the last true QoL updates in game and we were told in December’s RA/SoG, that the QoL would be in early 2021….whelp….it’s halfway through September….any time line on those? I've made it a personal mission and a priority in my QoL asks.Ĭould that mission also include making the QoL fixes come at all lol.

star wars battle for the galaxy

I could look into advocating for a longer timer in Conquest, but with some of the data disks avail that help speed up the battle, I'd rather put that effort into trying to make a feat counter happen. He was referring to GCs for the 15 min timer. There was a miscommunication with the designer.

Star wars battle for the galaxy