The Missions the Game offers, maybe short and simple, and almost ends to abruptly, That doesn't mean the game has to End after you beat the last 'mission',There are litteraly, Houndreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay left for you. Is it worth $10? I think so, I've already put in over 100 hours into X3: Albion Prelude, and thats more than I can say about 90% of the games released this past fall. That said, Is X3: Albion Prelude Perfect? No. From an Ease of use, and gameplay prospective, Being able to actually Get to the new content on the day I 'get it' instead of 3 weeks later, even if I don't pay for it, Is always pleasing. Sure, they could have tacked X3: Albion Prelude in a new patch for X3: Terran Conflict, however from both a gameplay point of view, And a Lore Point of View, the Events of X3: Albion Prelude, Happen AFTER all the other new content they have added to X3: Terran Conflict, and while some wouldn't mind just loading up a save and getting right to the new content, your talking easilly 150+ hours of gameing JUST to access the 12? Hours or so to 'beat' the plot in X3: Albion Prelude. For a game I bought, several years ago, Its a gift that has just kept on giving. Now, many will criticize the shortness of this game, and state that it should have just been another patch to X3: Terran Conflict And again, for those who aren't Familiar with X3: Terran Conflict (Or those who only played briefly, or within the first year of its release) Egosoft, Unlike most Single-player game developers, actually Patched the game, not only with bug fixes, But with new Content. They have done pretty much the same thing with X3: Albion Prelude. The User Interface that we take for granted in TC, for example, was something made by the fans, and Egosoft liked it so much more then what they had, they put User-made Interface, streamlined, and spiffed it up abit, adding there own tweaks to it, and packaged it in with X3: Terran Conflict.

By SinisterDeath | Review Date: DecemFirst things first, in many ways X3: Albion Prelude is a DLC/Expansion to X3: Terran Conflict, but in other ways, it is entirely its own game.įor those of you who are unfamiliar with this history, X3: Terran Conflict, essentially, took all the late and greatest User mods, and expanded upon the game engine of X3: Reunion, and released the stand-alone game, X3: Terran Conflict.