Smooth Spawn (number, default 0.3): Sets the rate at which virtual units spawn when a player is nearby.Infantry sea transport (dropdown, default No): Enables infantry groups to deploy boats when crossing water features.Virtual Combat Speed Modifier (number, default 1): Sets the rate at which virtual battles are resolved.Profile Speed Modifier (dropdown, default none): Alters the movement speed at which virtual units move across the map.Any remaining virtual groups above the limit will be moved outside of spawn range. Groups are spawned on a first-come, first-served basis, so whichever happens to be closest to a player at the time will spawn first. The Active Limit is NOT the max number of individual units that will ever spawn. Note that a Virtual Profile can be a Group of AI or a vehicle or a single Player. Active Limiter (number, default 144): Caps the number of Virtual Profiles that can be spawned into the game world at any one time.Spawn Planes Radius (number, default 0): Sets the distance at which units will spawn around a plane.Spawn Heli Radius (number, default 1500): Sets the distance at which units will spawn around a helicopter.Spawn Radius (number, default 1500): Sets the distance at which units will spawn around a player and UAVs.Virtualise All Editor Placed Units except synced units: This option will instruct ALiVE to profile all editor placed units apart from those synced to the module.To learn more about how to sync things in Eden, go here Only Virtualise Synced Units (default): This option will instruct ALiVE to profile any unit synced to this module.Persistent (yes || default no): enables Virtual AI Persistence for multi session operations with ALiVE Data.Groups that are spawned in will be completely colored in, while groups that are currently profiled will retain some transparency. Enable Debug (yes || default no): Enabling debug on this module will show you all profiled groups on the map in game.Place it onto the map and double click for options. Press F5 in Eden and look for the module titled ALiVE Virtual AI System.

Units will reappear in the game world as soon as a player comes within visual range.

This allows the ‘virtual battle’ to continue in the background without taking up valuable server resources. The revolutionary Virtual AI System processes a complete set of data about every AI unit allowing them to be despawned from the game world yet still interact with other ALiVE modules. ALiVE Virtual AI System Module Note:This module is required for ALiVE to function properly and must be placed!