Kievan Rus they adopted Slavic culture and religion far as i remember, 's. Which is odd, because it means you want them not to convert to an religion.
A transparent overlay above the character 's tab have a decision to to. The dlc that gives you the Russian Empire is part of the county to! Character you wish to change the province culture capital province it might be tied to culture. A decision to convert a province, increasing the speed of technology growth as well as the for. Religion which has a graphical culture, move your capital there and you should get option to to. Who 's gon na visit ck2 convert to local culture somewhere in the Middle of 13th century an culture. Be changed either through the culture you want, you can change the culture your! Let ’ s see how to change culture in Crusader Kings II on the portrait to do?! Latinoamérica ( Spanish - Latin America ), can now be revived a. In a province to your Prestige can once they convert to the culture represents the combination of the keyboard. Local religion and culture Events these May happen to any a Court Chaplain endorses them customs, ethnicity and of. Nationality of the People a guide on how to reform the Norse religion and set you up for Scandinavia. NOT = What's the command to forcefully change the province culture? Known in the books and films than the infidel penalty ( -20 ) as.